If you read everything written by a particular author, or have several favorite popular authors, you may want to use our VIP Club service. Reserves will automatically be placed for you on any new hardback books by authors included on our VIP Club list.
Pick up a VIP Club brochure at any branch or click below for a .pdf version of the brochure. Simply select the authors and the library branch where you want to pick up the books when they are ready for you. Then return the form to any St. Joseph Public librarian to get started. You will be notified by mail or email when a new book by any of the authors you choose is ready for you. You may want to check with staff to be sure we have your correct address information so you will be sure to receive your notices.
Of course, you may still place reserves on any other books in the old fashioned way. For more information on this program, please call 232-7729.
Look through our VIP Club Brochure to see a list of authors.